This winter pamper your sensitive skin the right way! Skin experts at Noir salon share ‘dos and don’ts’

Skin experts at Noir salon, Punjabi Bagh have come up with some of the basic ‘dos and don’ts’. This will help you minimalize skin discomforts to maintain a clear and glowing skin texture.
Having a sensitive skin is becoming more common these days due to rough and dry weather, sleep deprivation, and hectic lifestyle. Some people are born with it, while some have it temporarily. No matter which category you fall in, if your skin feels tight, itchy, burning or flaky, then it is time for you to change.
Choosing the right kind of products and a sensible skin routine is a must for those with sensitive skin. Skin experts at Noir salon have come up with some of the basic ‘dos and don’ts’. This will help you minimalize skin discomforts to maintain a clear and glowing skin texture. Winter skin care for sensitive skin definitely requires a little extra as it is more prone to flare-ups in cold temperatures. Let’s have a look at some of the important skin care tips by Noir Salon, Punjabi Bagh.
- Less ingredients and no fragrance – Most of the cosmetic products including makeup, body care, skin care, hair care, etc., have ‘fragrance’ as the most common ingredient. When talking about sensitive skin care, fragrance can lead to rashes, itchiness, burning sensations or dryness. Skin experts prescribe to pick fragrance-free products, having least possible ingredients. More the number of ingredients, there are high chances of developing skin irritations.
- Gentle cleansing – Wearing makeup all day can make your skin rough and more prone to skin diseases. Therefore, it is important to remove makeup before going to bed, preferably with ultra-gentle, sulphate-free cleansers. Before starting with the process, it is important to wash your hands with lukewarm water to remove the unwanted chemicals. Cream-based cleansers are much effective during winters for sensitive skin as compared to oil based, as they keep the skin hydrated.
- Exfoliate regularly – Exfoliation should be a mandatory process to remove the dullness and dryness caused by the dead skin cells. Natural exfoliation is a preferred method instead of using the chemical-freak exfoliators. For an extremely sensitive skin, use of washcloth or gentle exfoliating brush in lieu of scrubs and peels will be beneficial for getting rid of skin harshness.
- Be extra careful with moisturization – Regular moisturization is the key for retaining a glowing skin. It ensures daily hydration, while keeping the natural oils intact. Moisturizers should be applied only on the freshly cleaned face. Also, washing your face with lukewarm water during winters wouldn’t allow the natural oils to be sloughed easily from the face.
- Don’t forget the SPF – One of the biggest myths in winter season is that you don’t have to apply sunscreen. However, one should know that as the climate changes aggressively, skin becomes more vulnerable. Sun rays always beam on your skin, irrespective of the season and it is better to be safe. Moisturizers with SPF are the best for sensitive skin. And for those who don’t have can use mineral-based sunscreens to fight premature ageing and radical damages.