BusinessBuy and Sell
Providing authorization to TikTok Shop Partners (TSP)

TikTok Shop Partners (TSPs) offer a range of services to sellers, including operational mentoring, content creation, and shop management, enabling sellers to scale their businesses on TikTok Shop effectively.
In order to provide these services, TSPs require access to Seller Center. For example, providing a TSP authorization to the Analytics section of Seller Center means that they’re able to analyze your data and, in turn, provide you with recommendations and strategies on areas that need improvement.
How to provide authorization
Before you can provide access to a TSP, you should keep in mind the following:
- You and the TSP must have an existing binding relationship where you’ve agreed to work together
- TSP access can only be added to services that are currently valid
- Only the seller’s main account has the authority to authorise TSP services
You can authorize TSPs to access the Seller Center in one of two ways which are listed below.
Authorization request sent by TSP (for new TSP-Seller binding relationships)
TSPs can copy authorization links and send them to sellers by going to: Partner Center > Seller Management > Manage Authorization page
From there, TSPs will be able to see which sellers they currently don’t have Seller Center access for and they can select Request TSP Access to which allows them to copy a link that they can share with the seller.
As the seller, you’ll be able to open this link in Seller Center and complete authorization access for the TSP by following the steps below:
- Select your partner access duration (this is how long the partner can access your Seller Center for) and enter your email address. You’ll also need to confirm the terms and conditions.
- Next, you’ll need to select the Seller Center sections that you want to provide access for under Authorized Seller Center permissions. You can choose to only provide them with full access or specific area access, such as product access and Ads manager access.
- Please note, once authorization is provided, the TSP can carry out actions on behalf of your account, and access all the content and data included in authorised functions and pages, according to the permission roles you selected.
- As a final step, you can also choose to provide Data Analytics authorization to the TSP. You can select which specific areas of Data Analytics you want the TSP to have access to (e.g. LIVE, Growth & Insights, or Marketing, etc).
Seller Center (for existing TSP-Seller binding relationships)
If you already have an existing binding relationship with a TSP, you can go to the Apps & Services > Agencies & Services > My Services in the Seller Center and select Edit TSP access authorization.
This will provide you with the Authorised affiliate Center permission role, where you can assign which sections of your Seller Center you want the TSP to access.