Zoom meetings, webinars, online happy hours, and networking events can get boring and awkward at times. It’s not that simple to make a first good impression and connect with a remote team in a lighthearted way. It’s great that you have switched to high-speed internet by calling the Spectrum Customers service phone number, but you will need more than a smooth connection to engage with your audience. You can have an awesome concept for the meeting but it can fall flat at the time of the execution because of minor mistakes. Allow us to help you make an impression with your first very first Zoom meeting and beyond:
1: The Camera’s Position Always Matters
A flimsy camera position is a real mood killer. A camera that is positioned at your waist level can make you appear heavier. Always pay attention to the position of your camera. It must be positioned at your face or shoulder level. This will ensure that you look attractive, leaner, and younger! When the meeting starts, look directly into the camera and not the screen on your window. If you have to look at your screen while you’re presenting, position your windows directly below the camera. It’s important to look at your audience to build a connection with them.
2: Look Presentable
Just know that you are in the entertainment business even if it’s a business meeting. You must look presentable even if you are working from home. Put a nice shirt and jacket on for every meeting.
3: Introduce Yourself
Tell the audience know who you are. Open the meeting with a short and memorable biography about yourself. Let them know what you do, why you do it, and for whom.
4: Ditch the Giant Headphones
Those giant headsets that you wear don’t look flattering at all. professionals wear in-ear monitors. They are small and invisible. Can’t invest in these right now? No worries, wear your earbuds but place the cord behind your head instead of letting it sit in the front.
5: Keep your Audience Engaged
Your audience will definitely get distracted. They might be tweeting something, checking Facebook, or texting someone during the session. To keep them engaged, plan out a series of engagement activities like surveys, polls, or asking the audience to type things in the chat.
6: Organize Your Presentation According to People’s Attention Span
The human brain is capable of maintaining an attention span of 7 minutes in a row. Hence, you must create a presentation based on this attention span. organize your material and make the presentation as digestible as you can. You have to get your message across. long and boring meetings fail to do that. Therefore, keep it short and simple.
7: Stick Your Notes in the Right Place
While presenting in a Zoom meeting, you must be careful where you place your notes. If your eyes keep on moving away from the camera, this can look unprofessional. Paste the notes right next to your webcam. This way, even if you are taking a peek, you would be looking into the audience’s faces directly.
8: Always Record Your Presentations
You could be speaking at a reasonable pace but there are chances not everyone in your audience was able to understand what you said. Therefore, it’s best to record your presentations so that your audience can review them later. This practice can also help you improve your presentation skills and learn from your past mistakes. You can revisit your presentation later and analyze our performance to present better in the future.
9: Schedule Time for Some Movement
If the meeting is long, it can be hard to stare at the screen and stay engaged too. Allow your members to take a 10-minute break to walk around, stretch, and rest their eyes. Depending on how comfortable you are with your audience, you can also have a 5 minutes yoga session. Just pick one yoga move and ask your participants to engage.
10: Get Rid of the Background Noise
While it’s cute when your child or a kid sneaks into the Zoom video, it’s not always professional. interruptions like these and background noises can mess with the rhythm of the meeting. Fortunately, there are such tools available that cut the background noise. Krisp.ai is one of these. It’s an AI plug-in that gets rid of almost all background noise (even the outside sounds). It’s simple to use and it’s affordable. With these valuable tips, you should be able to make a nice impression and deliver an impressive presentation every time!